SoulFULL Business Planning Retreat

Are you ready to achieve the fulfillment AND freedom you’ve been craving?

Your unique business requires a unique method of business planning - and I have just what you’re looking for.

I created SoulFULL Business Planning 11 years ago. This innovative process begins at the foundational energetic level and utilizes your deepest drives and innate “other” awarenesses to identify specific actions, targets, and results to grow your business based on your unique gifts.

Layout your business for the coming year based on YOUR unique gifts and the change you want to create in the world!

from Ronda Renee

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The Healthy Success Formula: 7 essential mindset hacks to transform your body, mind and business.

Is your business slowly draining the life out of you with…
Stress, Body Pain, Burnout, Insomnia, Gut Issues, Weight Gain, or Emotional Struggle…?

You know that you “should” be taking better care of health, but it just seems like there’s never enough time in the day…

It doesn’t have to be this way!

Rewrite the rules of health and success with the 7 Essential Mindset Hacks every entrepreneur needs to unleash their full potential:

âś… Beat burnout & achieve work-life balance (for real!)
âś… Break free from perfectionism to get sustainable results
âś… Embrace rest & recovery as a key to success
âś… Create a new identity so that staying healthy is easy & fun
âś… Unlock the potential of your Mind Power!

Get your keys to a life of health, vitality, and abundance today!

“These mindset hacks are not your typical self-help advice - they are game-changers that will revolutionize your entire perspective on health and life.”

from Emily Webb

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The 6 Keys for Launching Your A-Level Online Course in an AI World

In this powerful eBook you'll discover how to create and launch high-quality, engaging and transformative online programs so you can increase your reach, impact and income...and truly stand out. Chris is also offering a free training video that goes with this eBook.

In this eBook + video you'll discover how to:

  • Deliver a transformative learning experience that students will rave about
  • Design your course so it appeals to your ideal participant
  • Make your course accessible and engaging so more people complete it
  • Build a simple, authentic marketing funnel that attracts the right students
  • Leverage AI/ChatGPT to supercharge your course creation process

from Chris Kyle

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Focus & Brain Training Audios

In order to rewire your neural pathways to stick to healthy habits, to manifest better results, and to become less reactive you need to hold a thought for at least 30 seconds. Most people can hold a thought for less than 7 seconds. These Focusing and Mental Muscle Building Audios help you improve your ability to hold your thoughts for longer periods of time and to stay focused on what you want instead of being pulled by distractions. The results are: you will be able to stay calm in stressful situations, you’ll get clearer on your goals and what’s most important, and you’ll manifest more of what you really want. The best part is the videos are just 2, 5, and 12 minutes, so you can slip them in through your day.

from Shiraz Baboo

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Anatomy of A High Converting Offer

Unleash the Magic of a High-Converting Offer with this Awesome Template – Your Ticket to Rocking the Stage, Nailing Sales, and Sealing the Deal!

Ever wondered what makes the crowd go wild for a High-Converting Offer? Grab this freebie template that's tailor-made for speakers like you, ready to light up the stage and make those sales sizzle!

Picture this: your offer hitting both the heartstrings and the brainwaves of your audience. It's not just about what you're selling, but how it's the game-changer they've been craving.

So, whether you're gearing up to deliver a show-stopping presentation or create a high converting sales page, snag this template – your go-to toolkit for sculpting an offer that steals the spotlight, sells like crazy, and leaves those sales deals slam-dunked!

from Paul & Melissa Pruitt

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3 Secrets to Look AND Feel Great

DDiscover …
*​How you may be hiding in plain site and how to embody your element
​*The #1 trait that will instantly make people trust you
​*How to save time and money while wearing clothes you love

from Amy Janece

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101 Marketing Ideas

Discover over 101 marketing ideas that will help you get more sales.

PLUS, you will receive the 3 keys to getting the best results with your marketing dollars!

from Nicki Chang-Powless

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VIP Access to Unapologetically You Challenge

VIP Access to Unapologetically You Challenge to be unstoppable & unapologetic around your value, money, sales, & using your voice. Break free from fear of judgment, being visible, rejection, & failure.

People follow inspired leaders. Becoming unapologetic unleashes your charisma and magnetism. This is why some leaders have the “IT” Factor and successful in anything they offer and others even with the right strategy and tactics fall flat.

VIP is a paid offering and we are gifting VIP access to all participants in Expert-preneur Giveaway.

from Eiji Morishita

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Magical Meetup Strategy Mini-Course

Get a fast cash infusion and enroll 90% of attendees at your talks and workshops with the Magical Meetup Strategy Mini-Course!  Cornelia made $9,000 from her first Meetup workshop with this fun strategy!  Includes all the strategy details AND a done-for-you talk script which will save you TONS of time!  Get a flood of new business without a website, mailing list, or social media following!  Even if you're just getting started!

from Cornelia Ward

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21 Day Revenue Boost Journal & Guidebook

Tired of doing ALL THE THINGS & want to grow your business without the hustle? Download The 21 Day Revenue Boost to discover the mindful business & abundance actions to Attract more clients & multiply your income and…

· Breakthrough your Revenue Ceiling that's preventing you from multiplying your income.

· Expand your Capacity to Receive so you can connect with more clients & close more sales.

Flip the switch to Abundant Thinking & boldly grow your business, with ease.

from Jennifer Lyall

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The #1 Strategy Top Coaches Use to Create More Impact and Blast Past Six Figures in Revenue

Ready to scale your business beyond one-on-one coaching?

Tired of the feast and famine cycle of selling courses?

Want to learn the easiest ways to create recurring and consistent revenue?

In this PDF and video training, learn the #1 strategy most big-name coaches use to leverage their time, deliver massive transformations, and scale their business.

If you're ready to take the next step in your business and create a high-end program for your most loyal, raving fans, then grab this training and learn how the top coaches do it and how you can too... even without a big list or fancy tech!

from Jay Fairbrother

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ChatGPT: The magic wand for SEO success!

A Must-Have Resource for

Every Solopreneur!

Comprehensive guidance for optimizing all aspects of SEO.
Up-to-date information on evolving SEO trends & algorithms.
Step-by-step structured learning & implementation map.

from Sue Pats

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The Ultimate AI Lead Magnet Playbook!

3 Keys (& 1 Fatal Flaw) to Irresistibly Attract Your Ideal Customers!

Have you ever had a fridge magnet that just wouldn’t seem to stick? It had just lost all of its magnetic power (if it ever had any to begin with).
Well… business lead-magnets can behave the same way!
Does yours have the magnetism you need?
Is it still attracting your ideal clients?
Grab The Ultimate AI Lead Magnet Playbook today and learn how to:

  • Create a free gift that will have your ideal customers jumping in line to get it!
  • Craft a title that cranks up your conversions better than ever before!
  • Avoid the one flaw that will keep your list small (and your bank account smaller)!
  • And more!

If your list is the lifeblood of your business, then a hot lead-magnet is the infusion your business needs!

Grab this free Playbook to grow your list now!

from Michael Neeley

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Harness The Power of AI:

Supercharge your content!

Are you tired of staring at a blank page, struggling to come up with compelling content ideas?

Now you can harness the power of AI with our ChatGPT prompts that will take your content generation to the next level!

Whether you're a coach, blogger, marketer, or entrepreneur, our curated collection of prompts will help you craft captivating blog posts, attention-grabbing email subject lines, persuasive sales emails, and engaging video scripts.

Get your hands on this powerful resource today and take your copy to the next level!

from Eva Gregory

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Eight Legal Templates For Safe, Profitable Joint Ventures

How to Avoid Getting Ripped Off By Your Joint Venture Partners, and Save Tens of Thousands of Legal Costs with These Eight Proven Templates!

from Tom Matzen

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Client Conversion Code - Introduction

Are You Sick of the Client Chase? Time to Flip the Script!
Hey there, Entrepreneur Champion,
Let's cut to the chase. You're here to change lives, not to spend every waking hour figuring out how to catch your next client, right?
NEWSFLASH: If you're busting your hump, dancing from one desperate tactic to another, hoping for that "big break" client... you're doing it wrong.
I know it, and deep down, you know it too.
But here's the juicy secret: It doesn't have to be this way.
Enter: The Client Conversion Code.
No, it's not some magic potion or a dusty old spell book. It's your golden ticket out of the exhausting client scavenger hunt.
I crafted this bad boy after I almost drove myself to the ground. Hours spent crafting "engaging" social media posts, slashing prices (cringe), and watching clients waltz out the door the moment the clock ran out on their discounted rates.
Sound familiar?
But then, the clouds parted. I cracked the code. And now? I'm handing it to you on a silver platter.
Stop dreaming and start doing.
Dive into "The Client Conversion Code" and come out swinging as the coach everyone's clamoring to work with. And the beauty of it? This isn't about working harder; it's about working smarter.
Your move, hotshot.
Time to turn those "what ifs" into "watch this" and those doubts into domination. Click that button and step into your new reality.

from Al Jensen

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3 Ultimate Secrets To Getting Booked on Podcasts

Learn the proven and tested methods that have benefitted several other Podcast Guests, on how you can become confident as a Guest on a Podcast, the do's and don'ts of appearing as Guests on Podcasts, how to get the host to invite you back on their Podcast, again and again! And how to boost your podcast appearances by 3x.

from Kay Suthar

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AI, Blockchain and Web3 - TOP 100 JARGON WORD POWER for the Expert-Preneur

The Top 100 Jargon is more than a mere glossary but a structured and insightful journey through the complex landscapes of artificial intelligence, blockchain technology, and the burgeoning world of WEB3.

The most essential and impactful vocabulary that spans a wide array of topics within these technologies. From the intricacies of machine learning, neural networks, and natural language processing in AI to the nuances of cryptocurrency, decentralized finance (DeFi), and Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) in blockchain, the list is comprehensive.

The organization is designed to facilitate learning, understanding, and the ability to see the interconnectedness of these diverse yet related fields.

from Donna Mitchell

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The Power of Partnerships

The Power of Partnerships Checklist!

Discover the untapped power of joint ventures and partnerships to skyrocket your lead generation efforts. This handy checklist will guide you through every step, ensuring you make smart decisions and choose the right partners for your business.

Empower your entrepreneurial journey with this guide, and unlock the doorway to a world of increased clientele and expansive business opportunities. Seize the advantage and propel your business toward unparalleled success

With The Power of Partnerships Checklist, you'll have a step-by-step guide to revolutionize your business and make strategic partner choices that will expand your reach

Don't miss out on this opportunity to expand your reach and revolutionize your success

from Dawn Morgan

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How to Deploy Giveaways to Explode Your Client and Prospect List!

Could you use more people in your opt-in list so you can grow your business faster, qualify for more virtual summits with minimum list size requirements or create more impactful joint-venture promotional exchanges with people who have larger lists?

Then it behooves you to rapidly grow your list on a consistent and efficient scale without you having to go out and recruit those new folks one-by-one.

A surefire way to do that is Collaborative Promotional Gift Giveaways. Want to know the secret to making these a constant lead-generation waterfall…with hundreds of new leads each time?

Then grab this powerful ebook How to Deploy Giveaways to Explode Your Client and Prospect List! from Jackie Lapin who has added 10,000+ to her list using Giveaways, and start the flow!

from Jackie Lapin

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Grow & Profitize™ Your List with Legendary Lead Flow Report & Masterclass

Grow Your List And Make More Sales with Your Own Lead Flow Engine.

With this Report & Training, you’ll get everything you need to create a high-converting Lead Magnet designed to convert leads into buyers. Plus, find out how you can use our AI to build your Lead Funnel (no need to figure out how to build a Funnel), write your EPIC 3+ day follow-up series and integrates it directly into our funnel software, and create traffic-getting content you can use to start getting leads immediately!

from Hawk Mikado

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The Standout Stars Speaker Success Kit:

This Information Package is designed to provide you with key features and
questions to ask your producers, stage managers, and event management for their expectations on working with you once you have been selected as the speaker of choice for their event. These 9 pages include a series of checklists to follow as you grow from Emerging to Experienced Speaker and finally to Expert Level Speaker.
At the Standout Stars Speakers Bureau, we are dedicated to making your speaking career more successful and we work on getting you booked to as many stages as we can.
Please take the time to review this speaker's guide so that you can be more
familiar with the entire process.

from Toni Kaufman

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Joint Venture Networking Online Events

David Riklan and Mark Porteous, co-founders of the Joint Venture Directory host two networking events each month. One is a general audience of experts and mission-driven entrepreneurs. The other is a rotating niche call for either Coaches, Authors, Speakers, or Healers. They typically have over 100 attendees on each call.

It’s a chance for you to meet new potential partners who might be interested in sharing your work with their audiences!

from Mark Porteous

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D.I.S.C.E.R.N.™: Your Path to Aligned Partnerships

D.I.S.C.E.R.N.™: Your Path to Aligned Partnerships

Successful collaborations are the cornerstone of growth and innovation in the business world. However, finding the right partners who align with your goals and values can be a complex endeavor.

To simplify and enhance this process, we present the D.I.S.C.E.R.N.™ framework—a proprietary process designed to curate partners effectively.

Collaborations are powerful drivers of growth, innovation, and mutual success.
However, not all partnerships are created equal.

You can ensure that your collaborations are productive but also sustainable and aligned with your long-term vision. By meticulously considering each element of this framework,

The D.I.S.C.E.R.N.™ decision-making process ensures consistently profitable alliances, avoiding costly mistakes.

from Mark Porteous

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Catapult Your Business with Joint Ventures Gift Bundle

Catapult Your Business with Joint Ventures and Collaborations. This gift is designed to accelerate your business growth through strategic partnerships and connections in a carefully curated bundle of resources designed to catapult your success.

You get THREE powerful tools with just ONE click:
1. 21 Ways to Catapult Your Business with Joint Venture Partnerships Report
2. Complimentary Guest Pass for a Virtual JV Networking Event
3. FREE Masterclass: The 3 PROVEN Secrets to Building Your Transformational Business FAST by Connecting with TOP Joint Venture Partners

from Mark Porteous

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Connecting to Your Soul Tribe Workshop

Imagine if it was EASY to attract YOUR Soul Tribe of Perfect Customers, build your Dream Team, and collaborate with aligned Affiliate Ambassadors.

It can be.

Join Mark and Renee Porteous at the FREE "Connecting to Your Soul Tribe" Workshop.

Cultivating relationships is the greatest investment you can make for yourself and your business!

You provide a service for people and you depend on other people to help you provide that service. Your relationships directly affect your ability to help others while caring for your own needs.

What does all this mean for you?

Connecting to Your Soul Tribe means…
- More Impact
- More Influence
- More Income

from Mark Porteous

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